Look at this picture below here. Who is this Americans? Denise Richards right? I'm mean look at how good she looks after her disaster of a marriage, and then the aftermath of the reality show. She is getting back to her roots modeling, and she looks fabulous right? Please say some of you are in agreeance at this point with me.

It's not Denise Richards.But do you know how many times in the last few months that I saw this picture at my Fashion Divas blogs that I made the above comment. Oh Denise looks fabulous, and I am the World's Biggest Fashion Bumpkin. Spell it out with me B-U-M-P-K-I-N!!
Imagine my slide down the spiral of shame (name that movie) this morning, when I pulled up this fashion shoot to feature today, I'm still thinking, oh man, look at Denise. I almost died when I learned this is a very famous Victoria Secrets Angel named Doutzen Kroes (pronounced Dow-tzen Crew-s). The funniest part these ladies that I commented to, never said a word, just kept their giggles to themselves. New rule readers, just like in real life amongst friends. If The Bumpkin stinks, for the love of all mankind, please tell me I stink. Don't let me strut my stinking self from blog to blog and further humiliate myself PLEASE. I love you for not wanting to hurt my feelings, but Geez Louise, how embarassing.
Doutzen is Dutch and was Vogue's Model of The Year 2005. The photographer for this shoot is Alexi Lubomirski. Alexi was born in England, raised in Botzawana, and now resides in New York. He currently spends most of his time shooting the celebrity covers and features at Harpers Bazaar. I love his use of lighting. Click here to read more about him, and see more of his famous clicks.

Now this is a profile, forget all that blogging crap, this is it! Would be a great "profile" pic, though. Get it? Profile pic?

Um who wears this? And, exactly where do you wear this to? I know never mind.

Garter belts, a trend that never grows old in my opinion. This has screamed sexy for years. An accessory you must own at least once in your life Ladies.

I think there is a little of this Vixen in all of us.
Well, maybe NOT you couple of guys that IAn hourglass figure accented perfectly by style.
know are dead stopped scrolling right here.

Since we are looking at Numero Tokyo, it's Japanese fashion right? Is this lingerie, evening wear, what category does it fall under, do you wonder?

Notice anything missing? No, it doesn't need anything,
no jewelryin the entire post, a brave, brilliant move by stylist Mika Mitzutani.

From ultimate feminine to nearly masculine, interesting.

Great leather, um, band, strap thing about her waist, not quite a skirt, or how about micro-mini emphasis on micro. What did the photographer say to get this look on her face. Sort of resembles sexy constipation in my book. A little odd. Still beautiful.

Have a great Saturday
The Bumpkin
I have to admit I believed you that it was Denise Richards at first! hahaha I thought "she does look good but her lips look a little bigger" This girl is beautiful though and I love the shoot! :)
Wow, what a way to start a Saturday morning!... In a good way!! I'm a woman and I'm even drooling over these women. Sure, these photos make me feel a little bad sitting here in my sweats, glasses and bun but hey, they might give me a little motivation for later ;-)
Sure for the world, it LOOKS like Denise Richards. The model is beautiful and what a gorgeous shoot!
She is hot. I am jealous.
It is a really interesting shoot, I think the first is my fav shot....and hey honest mistake, she does look like Denise.
xoxo DJ
That is so funny, I totally thought it was Denise! Thanks for the fashion lesson!! :)
Dude, I totally thought it was Denise Richards too.
whoever she is i wish i was her... those are some sexy shots!
What a relief that Denise is not all that after her failed marriage and crappy reality show! (I was confused when you said it was her. Then again, I'm easily confused.) These women are heating up my scene. The one with all the ropes (or necklaces or something?) did look constipated, though.
I'm LOVING your blog, Bumpkin! You are a diva!
I love this, stunning images -- you have a fab sense of style. Happy weekend to you.
HAHA!!! hey don't feel bad she does look like denise in some pics...(not all). lol.
well whoever she is, she's HOT!
I love this post. The writing is so charming and the photos beautiful. She looks to me like a mix of Denise Richards, Adriana Lima (another VS model) and Kathy Ireland. BTW..thanks for visiting My Little Boudoir and for the nice comments. :) I've added Bumpkin On A Swing to my blogroll.
Wow they are SOOO similar to each other!
and she defines Hour Glass Figure!
She looks so much like Denise Richards...and I would have never thought otherwise. A few years ago, I would have known who it really was...back when Vogue and Bazaar, and W were my mags of necessity. Great images!
She and Denise could be twins! What a great shoot!
ah such gorgeous photos!
and she so does look like denise richards!
such a good shoot!
No worries! I thought it was Denise Richards too when I first saw her!
Bitch looks like Denise Richards... and that is all I have to say about that! LOL
oh i really thought she was denise richards too! the resemblance is uncanny!
PS: glad you like my "swing" post!
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