The first time I saw it, I fell in love with the print. I decided to follow the blog, Bright, Bold, & Beautiful I loved the print that much. Then I found out the print was called Sex and the City, and it became a little obsession for me. Lastly, I got to know the lady behind the blog, Laura Trevey, the artist behind this watercolor, and it became a must have right now.
As I have mentioned previously to you, My John recently took our smallest bedroom and turned it in to a huge closet for me. A dressing room, with custom built shoe, handbag, and accessories shelving. Before he was a Captain, his title was Master Carpenter, and I'm a lucky girl. It's not quite done yet, but when it is, I will do a little looksie for you here at the swing.
It came time to paint the closet. I coordinated the paint, around this picture. A soft butter not quite yellow, but along the lines. The recesses are being painted the exact color blue of the dress above. Yes, I loved it that much.
hereto go to Laura's Etsy shop, I'm not even going to tell you what all is there, go and see. Here's a hint, I love the blue shoe!
When I received the print in the mail it was even more spectacular as I could almost feel the ruffles of the red dress brushing against me. I am in search of the perfect sapphire frame.
Laura also enclosed a hand written note, that I will cherish from my time here in the blog world.
Happy Weekend,
The Bumpkin
Gorgeous! I love it... and I am dying to see your room turned closet! Please do a reveal soon okay! :)
Yes, I too would LOVE to see that closet! As fir the print, it is just perfect!!!
OMG we are all freaking out and dying with anticipation to see your fabulous dressing room. Soft yellow and blue, ahhh, sounds so tranquil. You are so fabulous, you deserve it! Missed you can't wait to catch up!!
The strangest thing.....I have looked at that print so many times on Laura's website...it's one of my favourites, if not my favourite....so odd that you bought it!! Lucky you!
And your closet.....dying over here!!! So envious! I want a Captain too ;)
Happy Week-end :) xo
Will the Captain travel to MN? I would LOVE a new spare room/closet myself. I'll cover mileage and will furnish Totinos pizzas and Miller Light while he's here. Please ask if he's interested.
Oh wow, you are so lucky! I'm so excited for your roomy closet. =) I would love to have one someday. I would have mine painted in fuschia pink with a little dresser too. =)
You are so lucky! Oh, wow, I would LOVE to have a custom-built dressing room! My husband is a coffee roaster, and that is nice, but still, a dressing room!
Lovely blog you've got here, I'm definitely following!
Lovei t!!
Hi Lisa: Thanks for the wonderful comment on my blog. I'm following yours now. I'll come back often. Nice to meet you too. Take care.
Dying---love that print. I am going to have to peek at her shop...but I am scared it could be dangerous...but it is my birthday...oh yeah, I keep using that excuse. I am so jealous of a dressing room and big closet....maybe I need to send a kid off to military school or move out of California.
sweet post!!
love your blog too
great posts
stop by some time xx
Gorgeous colors. Qnxious to see the Captain's handywork on your new dressing room / closet aka your boudoir! What a lucky girl!
Yes YES YESSSSS I fell in love with this print too the first time I saw it.
Its so so LOVELY!
and Im really jealous you have a dressing room.
I cant wait to have my own place.
I love her watercolors...the blue crab has been calling my name. You must post pics of your closet!
Love love love it ! Show us how/where you hang it! :)
Oh Laura is a doll, so looking forward to seeing the room...lucky girl for sure.
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