hereWait don't go there yet though, I'll put another link at the bottom for you to leave my post and never come back by. Once you get there you'll be there for hours.

I don't want any of you left out, now that I have so many new swingers, so take a moment and take a look at this wordless wednesday post entitled:
Who's That Lady?

Then have a looksie at this post entitled:
Room 858![]()
Now that we are all caught up, I can tell you, this is my favorite model Anja Rubik. One of the top 5 models in the world according to Vogue. She's actually number 3 on their list, but Vogue and I have disagreed before, don't worry we still love each other, but here at MY blog Anja gets to be #1. Sorry Vogue Mwah I love you, see you in the mailbox, unless of course the post lady stole you again.So now that we all know that she's a very versatile model, and she is dabbling in magazine publishing and video directing, let's broaden the picture even more.
In these photos she's modeling the accessories. Why you say,(even if you didn't could you just please play pretty, geez) because she designed them. Anja Rubik accessories in conjuction with Italian designer Quazi.![]()
Don't get all excited though, you can only buy them in Poland (Why freaking Poland? Wait, ummmmm Poland readers I love you and I'm gonna send you a little list and a few Euros), for now that is, but I'm gonna take a little guess that it won't be long before they are everywhere Shoes and purses, oh Anja; a girl after my own heart.![]()
I love the zebra stripe, I do, even though this phase is a bit wore out here in the states, this is international fashion at it's best.![]()
Another blogger said, that the photographer Artur (I didn't forget the H, that's the way it is spelled) Wesolowski had to have really loved his job this day. Yet another blogger said, that somewhere on the other side there is a Zebra that knows it died for a very good reason, and it is very pleased to see Anja wallowing all over it's hyde. Well maybe, he didn't say wallowing, yes that's my spin on his quote, but she is wallowing ya'll, and it's the only word I could think of it to describe all these spready poses.![]()
Some of the other fashion bloggers wrote she was modeling the clothes, just another shoot, blah, blah, blah.... but the oh so fashionable Bumpkin (that has a ring to it don't you think?) saw this picture and decided there had to be a reason she had this purse around her neck like some kind of nautical floatation device, and was unable to uncover the truth for all of you. Thank you, I worked really hard, and you know you can always come to me for true grit honest investigative reporting. Okay, now I am cracking my own self up, I'm full of it today.![]()
Now lastly I just want to tell you, that I would give 10 years off my life span to have legs like this. Bet The Captain would up the ante to 20!![]()
Okay, you are dismissed now and you can go drool here.
The Bumpkin
YOU my sweet Bumpkin read my mind - I was thinking I'd give 25 (even if I had it to give!) years toward a set of those stems. Just not fair to be given so much.../ :
Great post, so glad the hubs dosen't blog!! Lovely Tuesday to you my dear xx
Ok, so I'm off to the gym now and I'll be back next Monday... oh how I need to get a body like that!! HOLY CRAP GIRL!!
hhhmmmm... the accessories you say? I hardly saw them.... she certainly is stunning....
Thank you for swinging by otherwise I never would have got a taste of your humor and delightful page. Love the tunes.
Anja is def gorg! I love that zebra rug too! anyway that's beside the point, her legs are amazing and we should all go do lunges right now. xoxo
Oh my gosh...have her legs gotten even longer...Anja is way too hot!!
Thank you SO much for the link love, you are so generous my girl.
xoxo DJ
wow! if that's not motivation I don't know what is! I should be at the gym but I've had a glass (or two) of wine since I've been home from work (always an excuse) there's always tomorrow!
Oh so sexy!!!
(on a side note: I wanted to thank you for YOUR thank you note... hand written notes are so special these days. I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness :)
xo Laura
Hi! This is Sarah Von of Yes and Yes - you won a set of my Karma Cards from the giveaway on Oh, Mishka. If you email me your address, I'll send them off post-haste! You can reach me at sarah_vonbargen(at)yahoo(dot)com.
Hmmm, note to self- go work out. Of course I would have to grow a foot to have legs like that!
She has the longest legs ever! Very hot.
one word...bitch.
how does she look that good?! i mean, her legs...they go on for days!
not even fair.
Yes dear. Her legs are ABSOLUTELY to DIE FOR!
I can't even phathom the thought of having such a gorgeous and lengthy body hahaha [I'm only 4'11]
Oh my ot cracks me up to picture myself with spidery limbs!
and I LOVE Dumbwith Tellher comment about the hubby blogging.
made me laugh...ALOT
your blog is awesome. i'm a proud follower. :)
looking forward to reading future posts!
come say hello!
I think I purposely made a typo, just to hear that music again. :) It's a great song and match for these pictures, Bumpkin. I too was awestruck by the gal's legs. They are twice as long as I am tall. Needless to say, I'm dancing around to your post, as always.
Fantastically fabulous song (going to be in my head for the next day or two), and insanely jealous of Anja's legs, etc...let's get the work out plan in gear, bathing suit season is upon us!
(Love you - talk tomorrow - thanks for all your support & friendship XOXO)
I love this song!!!! Great pics too! :)
LOVE this song!! Anja is absolutely stunning!!! You have great taste! :)
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