Now I just want you to remember when you read this that you have already heard all this here. but why is the media so deceptive. I learned how manipulative that they were during Katrina, again they have reconfirmed the manipulation. It's on the news where you live now isn't it.? The Government should have been here from the beginning, what the hell were they thinking? It's too late now, it's 20 miles off shore, and in excess of 800 miles long. So when they say it's going into south Louisiana, that's only because it's the most southern. They should say it's going to hit south Louisiana first.
From the Associated Press, I highlighted for you again, if you need the quick version. This pisses The Bumpkin off, if it weren't for My John I would be like everyone else, clueless. It's a shame that we haven't learned our lessons and researched this for ourselves. Again, I wouldn't have if My John wasn't driving the boat. They wait till the last freaking second, and PANIC!
NEW ORLEANS -- A massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is even worse than believed (Bull hockey, they knew all along, just didn't tell us) and as the government grows concerned that the rig's operator is ill-equipped to contain it, officials are offering a military response to try to avert a massive environmental disaster along the ecologically fragile U.S. coastline.
Speaking Thursday on NBC television, an executive for BP PLC, which operated the oil rig that exploded and sank last week, said the company would welcome help from the U.S. military.
"We'll take help from anyone," BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles said.
But time may be running out. Not only was a third leak discovered — which government officials said is spewing five times as much oil into the water than originally estimated — but it might be closer to shore than previously known, and could have oil washing up on shore by Friday.
At the same time, there appeared to be a rift developing between BP and the Coast Guard, which is overseeing the increasingly desperate operation to contain the spill and clean it up.
Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry was emphatic at a hastily called news conference late Wednesday that the new leak was discharging 5,000 barrels a day of sweet crude, not the 1,000 barrels officials had estimated for days since the Deepwater Horizons drilling rig exploded and sank 50 miles (80 kilometers) off the Louisiana Coast.
Suttles disputed at the same news conference with Landry that the amount of oil spilling into the water had ballooned — or at the company wasn't able to handle the ongoing operation to contain it.
But early Thursday, he said on NBC that the leak may be as high as the government's new estimate. He said there was no way to measure the flow at the seabed and estimates have to come from seeing how much oil makes it to the surface.
"Using the satellite imagery and our overflights, we can now say it looks like it's more than a thousand. It's a range," Suttles said. He said the range was up to 5,000 (325,000 gallons) barrels a day.
The Secretary of Homeland Security has briefed President Barack Obama on this new information and the government has offered to have the Department of Defense use its equipment and expertise to help contain the spill and protect the U.S. coastline and wildlife, Landry said.
"It has become clear after several unsuccessful attempts to determine the cause" that agencies must supplement what's being done by the company, she said.
This all played out at the end of a long day as crews began an experiment to burn off parts of the slick — the latest in a series of high- and low-tech efforts to stop the oil leak, reel in as much of the oil as possible to prevent it from washing ashore and harming the fragile wildlife and plant life that dot the coast.
I will keep you posted. I'm going to the catch a sunset on the beach tonight, I will be thinking of all of you!
From the Associated Press, I highlighted for you again, if you need the quick version. This pisses The Bumpkin off, if it weren't for My John I would be like everyone else, clueless. It's a shame that we haven't learned our lessons and researched this for ourselves. Again, I wouldn't have if My John wasn't driving the boat. They wait till the last freaking second, and PANIC!
NEW ORLEANS -- A massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is even worse than believed (Bull hockey, they knew all along, just didn't tell us) and as the government grows concerned that the rig's operator is ill-equipped to contain it, officials are offering a military response to try to avert a massive environmental disaster along the ecologically fragile U.S. coastline.
Speaking Thursday on NBC television, an executive for BP PLC, which operated the oil rig that exploded and sank last week, said the company would welcome help from the U.S. military.
"We'll take help from anyone," BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles said.
But time may be running out. Not only was a third leak discovered — which government officials said is spewing five times as much oil into the water than originally estimated — but it might be closer to shore than previously known, and could have oil washing up on shore by Friday.
At the same time, there appeared to be a rift developing between BP and the Coast Guard, which is overseeing the increasingly desperate operation to contain the spill and clean it up.
Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry was emphatic at a hastily called news conference late Wednesday that the new leak was discharging 5,000 barrels a day of sweet crude, not the 1,000 barrels officials had estimated for days since the Deepwater Horizons drilling rig exploded and sank 50 miles (80 kilometers) off the Louisiana Coast.
Suttles disputed at the same news conference with Landry that the amount of oil spilling into the water had ballooned — or at the company wasn't able to handle the ongoing operation to contain it.
But early Thursday, he said on NBC that the leak may be as high as the government's new estimate. He said there was no way to measure the flow at the seabed and estimates have to come from seeing how much oil makes it to the surface.
"Using the satellite imagery and our overflights, we can now say it looks like it's more than a thousand. It's a range," Suttles said. He said the range was up to 5,000 (325,000 gallons) barrels a day.
The Secretary of Homeland Security has briefed President Barack Obama on this new information and the government has offered to have the Department of Defense use its equipment and expertise to help contain the spill and protect the U.S. coastline and wildlife, Landry said.
"It has become clear after several unsuccessful attempts to determine the cause" that agencies must supplement what's being done by the company, she said.
This all played out at the end of a long day as crews began an experiment to burn off parts of the slick — the latest in a series of high- and low-tech efforts to stop the oil leak, reel in as much of the oil as possible to prevent it from washing ashore and harming the fragile wildlife and plant life that dot the coast.
I will keep you posted. I'm going to the catch a sunset on the beach tonight, I will be thinking of all of you!
Pray that the wildlife are scared by the little fires and swim out as far as they can go.
The Bumpkin
Oh bumpkin it just keeps getting worse and worse... how on earth do we do this to our world... and why on earth does it take so long to get a full response team out there... and although I know there won't be, I sure as heck feel like there should be some huge consequences to BP for this nonsense...
And WE will be thinking of YOU!
FINALLY last night I heard this talked about on the news. And my husband was all "have you heard about this?" and I was like "yep...all week from one of my fave bloggers". Thank you for keeping me informed. I am hoping beyond hope that the wildlife stays safe through all of this.
This is so sad. My dad has a rig in the gulf and has been helping arrange volunteers (mainly his engineers and their families) to assist in the clean up. He said when you fly over the gulf and look down it doesn't look good and he is pissed at the gov. for not coming in earlier. It's ridiculous. Stay safe my darling!
Oh girl, this is bad all the way around. I always thought honesty was the best policy. Oh geez. Praying for y'all! xoxo
Hi honey... wrote a post about this and linked back to your blog... Ugghh... the more I think about it the more heartsick I get....
Thank goodness you have kept us informed so we are a little ahead on the praying front...
This was so interesting. And sad & terrifying at the same time. The media & government definitely downplay events to their advantage.. only to look like fools later. So sad. And amen on the little critters swimming their hearts out!
This is so devestating. I am praying for some very divine intervention. Sucks so hard.
OK, our friend in Houston told my daughter that all the companies involved in any area of expertise about this rig mess were having an all-night brain-storming session on how to best handle this. He told her it was much worse then the media was saying. Now. Of course, I'm just as sick as anyone living along the Gulf coast. Can anyone tell me this? Why is it OK for us to have oil rigs out there, but California (who has plenty of oil offshore + a big deficit) won't allow drilling? I don't think the government has taken it's sweet time; I do think there are experts outside the government who fully understand what to do. The government might have to help because maybe the corps of engineers is the only entity with the huge equipment they need. Pray for the tides & winds to be in our favor.
I am praying for wildlife and our residents of the Gulf Coast. Stop drilling!
Of course it is always worse than the media reports when it comes to 'hush-hush' subjects such as these that our insane government wishes to keep undercover. If only people, like you and Capt. John, would demand the truth and seek it from the beginning, then we could possibly make a difference. At least I can only find comfort in knowing the wildlife are smarter than us and will hopefully swim fast and far....but our stupidity seems to always leave them scurrying for a better life. Sickened to the core...
Thank you for keeping us TRULY informed.
This is just so very sad...you and John are such wonderful people and we are grateful to you for all that you do to make this world a better place. It is clear that you are both very passionate about animals and nature, in both appreciating them and protecting their well being. Thank you for sharing the truth with us, thoughts, prayers and big hugs being sent your way! I too hope those sweet little animals swim and fly far, far away for now! XOXOXOXO
Commadant Thad Allen is here in Mobile at the ATC today, speaking. I know he has been flying all morning. Hubbs told me that the BP has a robot of some sort that turns off the oil reels, but that robot cannot do it. I think it's BS and they waited WAY too long to see this as a concern. This just goes to show how lazy our government really is and how much they put stuff on the back burner. But now that they are deciding to do something about it, it may just be too late. Hubbs also informed me that they have found yet another leak, but offcials are not for sure where this one is. So we are undoubtfully screwed. But Im keeping hope and praying they are able to end all of this before the wildlife are harmed and before the economy gets any worse.
Ughh this whole thing makes me sick! xoxo
this just... ugh I can't even explain it. I hope with everything that has gone wrong, they will be able to do something.
breaks my heart :(
It is happening everywhere. All over the world.. no matter what the crisis is, no matter whose fault it is.. mass media are being manipulated by larger corporations, giving us their (the corporation's) point of view, either because they are in their payroll or are afraid of possible legal actions if they say the truth. Governments and officials have their point of you also.. and the media, wanting to be liked and favored, never question it. And media, in turn , serve us their lies or, their version of truth.
People i think should pay less attention to what they hear from all those big conglomerates . Anything you hear on the news must be treated as a lie.. unless proven true.
Have a great day
I posted a link today to your blog and Lori's blog. I'm hoping some of my readers will do the same.
Hey there-
I found you by way of Nola Girl- I live in metro NOLA and I've been watching this like a hawk... I'm so nervous that it will ruin things in a big way! I hope you don't mind that I spread the word at my blog and borrowed your button!!!
It's nice to see another girl from our area in blogland!
i hate how media manipulates information... and I cant believe they didn't act earlier! Yes, I am praying for them...
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