The latest update: We are where the red star is on the map.
The oil is escaping from two leaks in a drilling pipe about 5,000 feet below the surface. The leaks threaten hundreds of miles of coastline in four states, with waters that are home to dolphins, sea birds, and prime fishing and tourism areas.
If crews cannot stop the leak quickly, they might need to drill another well to redirect the oil, a laborious process that could take weeks while oil washes up along a broad stretch of shore, from the white-sand beaches of Florida's Panhandle to the swamps of Louisiana. We are direct center of the two locations.
As of Monday afternoon, an area 48 miles long and 39 miles wide (TWICE AS BIG AS YESTERDAY YA'LL) was covered by oil that leaked from the site of the rig, which was owned by Transocean Ltd. and operated by BP PLC. The rig is pumping approximately 42,000 gallons of oil a day, into the Gulf. The 32 skim boats are able to skim about 11,000 gallons of an oily watery mix a day at maximum. 1/2 oil, 1/2 water equals about 5,500 gallons a day. Can you do the math? 13% of what is being pumped into the Gulf. To make matters worse the skim boats have not been able to work the entire weekend due to weather conditions being unsafe after all those bad storms we had.
The U.S. spill, moving slowly north and spreading east and west, was about 30 miles from the Chandeleur Islands off the Louisiana coast Tuesday. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration said oil would not reach the coast for several days. The Coast Guard said kinks in the pipe were helping stem the flow of oil.
Officials say there will be no shoreline impact from an oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico for at least another three days.
Sperm whales have been spotted in the oil, they do not appear to be in distress at this time, but there is no real way to determine this. There are grave concerns, and measures are being taken to protect the wildlife in these areas.
It is likely to destroy the beaches for an extended period of time,once it reaches shore.
It's like a hurricane out there brewing, and we are just waiting to see where it hits. I am heartbroken, it's nesting season for the turtles, mating season for the dolphins, and these whales are pumping oil through their bodies.
I will keep you updated, our tourism and fishing is our livelihoods here. Please say a prayer for the people who depend on these industries to feed their families, especially the oyster harvesters. Like the other animals, this will effect the oysters for years.
Without fishing, I will need you all to rotate shifts babysitting the Captain. Makes me sick, makes me sick. My dolphins............
Big Kiss BP! Big kiss!
I've been keeping an eye on all of this too. I hope there is something they can do to stop it, but it just seems so out of hand. I read something about building an underwater dome to contain it & then pumping all of the oil out of it? WTH?
Just do something, there isn't much time. If we have no beaches, the economy will crash here, think about Alabama.Florida, Gulf Shores, Perdido, how about southern Louisiana oysters, shrimp, fish.
Oh no girl! Keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers. xoxo
Holy Moly!!!!
Oh sweetie, no need to ask for our thoughts and prayers, you've got 'em!!! Keep us posted as the night goes along. Up here, we don't get as much of the story!!
this is just AWFUL : (
We'll keep prayin' girl! Thanks for the updates. xoxo
We'll be praying for everyone. I used to live on Florida's Gulf Coast. All my best my friend!
OMG I've been sick about this all day. CYE. XOXO
Awww, that's too bad. I'm sorry to hear about this disaster.
Oh this is so horrible, I am appalled that the news isn't showing anything up here, like it isn't even happening. Send our best to the Captain and thank you for keeping us up to speed...just heartbreaking.
Oh, dear! So stay safe and keep us updated!
Big kiss and hugs back to you and Captin'!
You be safe and careful over there, hon. Sending good thoughts and hopeful prayers your way.
This is awful! Keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers!
Much love: Evi
Oh dear, that's terrible.
Oh no!!!! I guess I'm living under a rock...I haven't heard this. I hate to hear about this. I'll definitely be praying about it!!
I am so glad you are keeping us updated with this because you are the best news source that I have. I just read your blog post to my coworker who had no idea that this had even happened.
I'm just hoping this gets under control fast. And that it never reaches where you are!
Ugh, this makes me well up big time. I don't know how I'm going to cheer you up in this because I'm totally in love with dolphins and sea turtles and this breaks my heart. Between hurricanes and natural disasters all these areas effected have had enough!!!
I will keep praying for the creatures in the sea, for you, for everyone effected by this!!!!
p.s. clearly I need to start watching the news more often... I had NO idea this was happening until I read this!
Wow! I haven't kept up on this story. You're so close to it all! This could effect so many different things. I pray it all works out some how! Keep us updated!
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