All we can do right now, is just react the smartest, wisest way we can. Do you know how many people here in Podunk Mississippi have no clue what's happening. By now they know what's happening, they just don't know what an effect it will have on our lives.
I am so pissed that the only place I could find this map today is on the website for the BBC. Pisses me off, boy, it pisses me off, that they are hiding the facts. I know it's to divert panic, but damn people what the hell? These people have a right to know. Would you believe that one local newspaper reporter, actually wrote the words "a lovely rainbow like sheen is atop the water" What are you freaking kidding me?
I am not surprised however, as the forecasters in the UK were the source we relied on for Katrina. They were dead on. We learned then to go to them, for our information. They no more than Fashion across the big you Divas!
I am the big star in the middle of the picture, Lori The Shopaholic, and my nesting sea turtles at The Redneck Riveria are the star to the right.

Click HERE to see the most information coming out of the UK, watch the video, sorry couldn't embed it.
Here's another video, short sweet to the point.
John's Chandeleur Islands Concerns:

Love that he can make nets! Made me smile and I think the disapearance of your Dawn, regardless of what anyone else says, is a VERY good thing! Lurv ya Bumpkin!
We are just waiting for them to call on volunteers to help with wildlife. It is just breaking my heart!!!
Hello.. I m monitoring you closely all the time for updates on that natural disaster you are facing.
I am praying for the best for you.
I have just prepared a post for tomorrow, using some of the photos of the disaster from your blog, tagging you and captain John, with links to your page.
Hope you dont mind all that..
Please tell me if you have any objection.
My word bumpkin... Captain John made me cry with his tell them I'm on it...
Thank you for keeping us informed... and please be sure to let us all know how we can help out... I'm praying, praying, praying for ya'll! I just can't believe they're saying this might go on for months? My word...
Continued thanks for these updates. Our hearts are with you and our thoughts are with John. Many thanks to you and him for your courage and your voice.
What a handy man!! It is people like you both that make this world a better place! Love what you guys are doing! Tell the Captain he is in my prays!
Meg xoxo
Wow! The BBC? Really? That is disturbing that you had to go out of this country's media to get a more accurate picture!
Thinking of you. xoxo
Yay for the captain and your dawn dish soap! Love it! swim turtles swim!!! Prayers. xoxo
Thank goodness for the big bottle of Dawn! Go Captain, GO! You know my heart is with you both right now, you two are amazing. John is fearless and you as his first mate make an incredible team! xoxo Love you!
My school girl crush on the captain just evolved into love. What a great guy - I hope he stays safe out there! My prayers are still with you guys!!
Praying for you both!
I hope this situation gets better and captain John is hard at work! I know you will make a difference.
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