It's shaping up to be a crazy week for me. So, I thought it might be a good time to get you all more involved. Now this is not one of those "ask me anything" posts. I've told you before, that ain't happening here. There are some things that simply need to remain a mystery here in bloggy land, besides I know some of you all to well, and I ain't being the brunt of your questioning.
I saw this on A Blonde Walks Into A Blog, and I thought it would be a great way to get to know each other.
So tell me, readers, What's Your Theme Song?
I could tell you a million songs that fit the soundtrack to my life, but this one does it the most justice.
Take some time if you need to, but do comeback and tell me the answer you come up with. I think this will tell me alot about you. They're are quite a few of you that I can't wait to hear your answers. Play pretty now.
Happy Monday Ya'll!
The Bumpkin
Oh, I guess I should've waited before I replied to your email, sorry!
My theme song is 'Watching the Wheels' by John Lennon. Completely fitting for my life and who I am. I always say it was written for me!
I have never thought about what my life theme song would be... I always had the answer for what my song would be if I was a stripper. Yep... my signature song would be the original "American Woman" if I was a stripper... nice right?
But in reading this I got serious and I think that my theme song should be "You Can't Always Get What You Want" - By The Rolling Stones. It suites me well. Not a huge power anthem mind you but it totally fits.
Ooohhh! I love this. Not sure I can pick just one. The first one that popped into my head was 'I'm Alive' by Dave Matthews & Kenny Chesney. I think I would need an entire soundtrack... I need more than just one. :)
Oh wow! How fun! I think I have had a song for each season of life I have passed through thus far...but I love Martina McBride and she seems to capture every season so beautifully..."My Valentine" played at mine and Dave's wedding...and since I am the mother of a young girl I always love "Through my daughters eyes" and her song "Blessed" is one of my all time fave's.
Hope your having a great day! xoxo
Whoops...thats suppose to be In my daughters eyes...sorry, got a little type happy.. haha
I loooooove this song. I will have to think of what my theme song would be. Probably like, "Back That Ass Up" or "She get it from her Mama"... you know me!
I really have to think on this one! I am musically challenged and it takes me awhile.
Without a doubt, most definitely Frank Sinatra's version of (like there is any other) The Best is yet to Come.
It's upbeat & sexy without being vulgar. Can I cheat a bit and add Phil Collin's In The Air Tonight as well? Sorry but I love them both equally!
Good question by the way. :-)
while i have NO clue what my theme song would be (too many to choose from) MM introduced me to Black Crowes “she talks to angels”. Love that song! good pick!
Well, Ms. Bumpkin, first I'd like to thank you for the brown sugar tip - merci beaucoup!
Now, my theme song. Hmmm. I think maybe, "Don't Let Me Down" by the beatles or "We're Going to be Friends" by the White Stripes. Hard to choose just one! Good question though!
Wow, this ones a tough one... I heard once that music is the soundtrack of your life... and i really believe that, especially when I hear a song and it brings me to a certain point in my life... So my theme song is always changing.
I guess right now, my theme song is and has been for about a month "Manic Monday" by the Bangles at least until May 7th, my last day at work! :)
And then it'll be "It's 5 O'clock somewhere" by Alan Jackson & Jimmy Buffet
while i wish i can say 2pac's "shorty wanna be thug" is my theme song, i really can't. the lyrics just don't jive with my life. but how cool would that be.
in all seriousness, i love sugarland's "settlin'" because life should always be lived large. life is just so dang short and i, of all people, should know that.
also love cat stevens "the wind". it's so short, simple and to the point, the way i like it. why live life with regret when you can go where your heart wants to go.
other theme songs given to me by the boy...
brad paisley's "she's everything" and ne-yo's "miss independent".
longest answer ever.
That would have to be 'Gimme that Girl' by Joe Nichols. Hubbs says it describes me to a T. So if you the song, you know me! :)
You guys are just on a roll aren't you?? Black crows... LOOOVE 'EM!! I mean, I REALLY love them. And anything accoustic by them is fabulous, including this song. What ya going to pick out for tomorrow? I'm sure another one of my faves ;-) Can't wait...
As for a theme song of my life? Good question! A better question though would be theme song for my day. That's how crazy my life and emotions are these days!! But I'm going to have to thing about this one. Give me a sec...
for like the whole life? no idea... just too many... but at the moment: 'How lucky we are' - by Meiko
^_^ cheesy but cute!
I took ownership of "Rockin' Robin" by Bobby Day about 10 years ago. I've been a Rawkn Robyn ever since!
Cheers, Bumpkin!
I love your theme song ~ this is my cleaning house CD! For the longest time mine was Desperado by the Eagles but not so much anymore....
There was a song out a few years back ~ Who I Am by Jessica Andrews ~ that pretty much sums it up ~ for now anyway! Thank you for the birthday wishes!
I keep thinking about this and I can't come up with just one song! It seems to change depending on what's going on with my life at the moment. Good question...but hard! I shall keep thinking...
This is such a fabulously fun post, it's amazing how some lyrics speak right to your heart and you can so closely identify with them. "She talks to Angels" is so perfect for you, and by the way, wouldn't our boy Lee kick ass at this song? Heinie tingle, yes? I'll try and dial in a special request for you XOXO
After much deliberation and a nervous tummy later (you knew I would obsess over trying to think of the PERFECT song), I'm going to call two songs. Billy Joel, "She's always a woman," and "She's got a way." Two great songs, two great albums.
Can't wait to come back and read more readers song choices!
XOXO love you
I can think of a lot of cheesy songs in spanish but for the sake of glamour i'd like to think a Frank Sinatra song about a gorgeous woman
My theme song is "Elevator Love Letter" by the Stars. It's stuck with me for a long time and it plays in my head all the time.
A link:
I'm really going to have to think about this one! Great Question.
Will be back. xo
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