There is a parent here that needs their head examined. What have I told you before, people here just don't get it.
Get your freaking kid out of the water......
If I saw this, men walking in the water with Hazmat suits on, regardless of what I had or had not heard, I would be yanking my youngun' out of the water.

uhhhmmm.... wow... just wow....
I'm loving your blog! You are adorable!
Ya, I would have to agree with you on that. Where are this kids parents??
Holy cow!!! That is just the plain ole kind of crazy.
That is horrific parenting at its finest.
Where's Super Nanny when we need her most?!
Poor kid. Parents need to get their act together!
Wow. Mother of the Year goes to....
Some parents never cease to amaze me. And to think I chose not to have children for fear I could not rear them in the correct manner they should be, truly amazing.
Are you kidding me????? That is insane!
That's so strange!!!
Are you kidding me?? Please tell me this photo was photoshopped and the kid is actually from some cute picture taken at the park by the swings and slide.
OMG! Ridiculous!
I hope that kids parents realize why he has oily skin that night. insanity! XOXO
omg...OH MY GOSH! thats awful!
Down right dumb.
Wow. I mean really. Who does that?
Wow. I mean really. Who does that?
take the hazmat men out and it would be a cute picture. too bad it's not. i don't want to judge the parents, i'd much rather smack them in the face.
Un-freaking-believable! What are the parents thinking!?! I can understand kids being completely oblivious, but the parents?!? I sure hope it was a photoshop.
Really??? This is just incredible...
Yikes! Thanks for sharing.
Have a lovely week!:D
...and everything girly under the sun!
Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I've awarded you "The Sunshine Award" =) Go to my blog to check it out!
Pretty unbelievable photo!
You need a license to drive, but any idjit can be entrusted with a child!
No freakin' way! I sometimes think people should have to take a test to be a parent.
I guess, people only believe it when they see it (the oil).
Maya @ Daily Vitamin Sea
that is nuts!
Are you kidding me!!! That is beyond crazy!! I wonder what those men are thinking as they see that kid running around.
Unbelieveable!!! Some people really baffle the mind.
Sorry to be so quiet, but I'm keeping up with you :) My heart breaks for the situation, and it is so hard to hear about, but thank you for keeping us posted. We need to know and to try to understand what mistakes cause these terrible disasters to occur. In hopes of preventing something like this from EVER happening again :(
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