60 dead turtles, and 9 dead dolphins, and our beaches are covered in dead fish but guess what?
It's not related to the oil spill. Don't believe me just read this crap.
This makes me more angry than any of it!
Note: Dr. Solangi personally believes it is from the toxic dispersant, but ummm they forgot to say that part!
This is heartbreaking. The "tar" is washing up on the beach at Dauphin Island. This is a disater sister.
OMG that is sick :(
This made me sick to my stomach. Those poor animals and no one will do what's right and tell the truth.
This is sooo upsetting :(
I am glad to read your reports. i have recommended it to some of my friends, but mixing the posts with rather risque posts...I'm rather embarrassed to these gentleman I recommended your site. Maybe the Capt can has his own blog?
Ridiculous! And so so sad! :(
This made me lose it. I cried for a long time, I'm in Ohio and our new has maybe a 2 minute blip about this disaster and thats it. Thank you for putting these heartbreaking pictures up. Its horrific but at least I can see the truth
My heart just breaks! Doing what we can and sending tons of alpaca fiber out to try and soak up the gunk. Even if it helps one animal...
Oh no it's just so sickening.
I've had a bit of catching up to do. I loved the post you did on Aussie Alannah Hill. I'm a bit behind as I have a new puppy and she's VERY time consuming, it takes me about three goes just to do one comment...yikes.
Absolutely heartbreaking. The cover-up is very distressing & simply shameful. Thank you for continuing to give us honest updates. Prayers going out...
i don't have the invite code for lookbook... but if you find out what it is will you let me know??
and ps. what kind of dogs do you save? i may be looking into buying one =]
THanks for all the info. There is quite a lot of coverage, here in Canada, about this disaster but I love hearing about it from someone that's actually living it.
I've got to get caught up with more of your recent posts....
The media must think we were born yesterday. I am so heartbroken by all the marine life lost. This is so sad.
This is soo sad! These devastating images gave me chills. Poor things.
So sad...the media spins it all...how can they spin that...too much crap!
another great post as usual!
LOVE your blog so much!
Am definitely bookmarking you!
Such an inspiration!
Hope you can stop by mine sometime xx
So very heartbreaking...Thank you for another honest update xox Sending hugs.
I don't know who Jennifer is who left a comment, but I for one am glad your posts are for knowledge, and that you challenge the media. I thank you, and as Chelsea Handler would say, I give you my blessing.
This is so heartbreaking..and it seems no one wants to do anything right..politics..
BTW, glad you liked my blog..Appreciate your loving comment :) Following you also!
I LOVE your madonna post! What a diva to be dating a boy toy who's mom is younger than herself! LOL
We really need to get the message out on the oil spill with the corrupt media...I was just making a comment about the Madonna pics in the same blog...
This is so saddening and heartbreaking.
The media is always manipulating.
This is so bitter. I am saddened.
Truly heartbreaking...
How sad! Still praying!
Woa that's unbelievable. These poor animals. =(
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