by Noel Culperson
Honey I'm home! Look at them all running!

via Sharon
Nice to meet you Daddy.

via Erin Dietrich1
There are two sides to every story. Semper Fi! (Always Faithful). This is truly coming home.

via Sharon
Nice to meet you Daddy.

via Erin Dietrich1
There are two sides to every story. Semper Fi! (Always Faithful). This is truly coming home.

Sigh, he's trying to bribe her to come to him. She doesn't recognize him. My Daddy didn't see me till I was 16 months old. Mamma said when he came home from Vietnam I screamed everytime he talked to me for a month. Turned out I was Daddy's Girl after that, I loved My Daddy, he spoiled me rotten.
via Lindsay0526

They say a picture can speak a 1000 words. Amazing, just look at his face. He promised to come home.
Via joiedeverephotography
I would call this one Thankful. She's got all the kids toys in her hands from keeping them occupied for what can turn out to be a long wait sometimes.
via Kate Mahalak

I would call this one Thankful. She's got all the kids toys in her hands from keeping them occupied for what can turn out to be a long wait sometimes.

Love this one, despite the time away, this family went right back to normal.
via AmandaLamb1
Favorite New Blog Find: Poppies and Sunshine is a happy little blog. I love happy little blogs, that keep me going throughout the day. Here's one of my favorite posts from her blog Hanging Dresses

Favorite Dustjacket Attic Photos: Love both of these, vibrant colors, and great photography, you really need to see the whole post, titled Red Alert Click Here

Favorite Recipe I'm trying this weekend: Again, from Mary at Delightful Bitefuls, Pear Walnut Muffins. We have a pear tree at the swing, so I was subconsciously channeling recipes, when Mary posted this one. We are going to have lots of pears. One thing I love is the square shape to these muffins that Mary made. More good stuff per square inch. The top is always the best.

Shoegasm of The Week: Badgley Mischka, my word!

Favorite Tumbl this week: I am in love with this photo. Click HERE to see my Tumblr page.

Favorite New Blog Find: Poppies and Sunshine is a happy little blog. I love happy little blogs, that keep me going throughout the day. Here's one of my favorite posts from her blog Hanging Dresses

Favorite Dustjacket Attic Photos: Love both of these, vibrant colors, and great photography, you really need to see the whole post, titled Red Alert Click Here

Favorite Recipe I'm trying this weekend: Again, from Mary at Delightful Bitefuls, Pear Walnut Muffins. We have a pear tree at the swing, so I was subconsciously channeling recipes, when Mary posted this one. We are going to have lots of pears. One thing I love is the square shape to these muffins that Mary made. More good stuff per square inch. The top is always the best.

Dress of The Week: Something about this one, drives me crazy. Love the colors for a brunette. I'm looking for this one, anyone seen it before?

Shoegasm of The Week: Badgley Mischka, my word!

Favorite Tumbl this week: I am in love with this photo. Click HERE to see my Tumblr page.

Best Memorial Day Idea:
Uhhh ummmm, Captain John, this could be lot's of fun, you know that one spot under the Magnolia trees on Back Bay?

To Leave You With A Laugh: My token male reader, Blog O Cheese, had me rolling laughing with this one. A man's look at baby/wedding showers. Click HERE to tighten your abs a bit....I love the comments he leaves me, they always make me laugh, and I never know what to expect from him. We can love a guy like that can't we Ladies?
One last thing to share with you. My SATC 2 Fashion book came in the mail yesterday.
Get your butts to Amazon and order yourself one, Fashion Divas.
Every single outfit in the movie. Sarah Jessica Parker does some commentary where she tells you where some of the odd items came from. Beautiful fashion, that I can't wait to talk about. If you wanna know anything just shoot me an email, and I'll tell you everything. I'm going to give everybody a few days to see the movie, before I discuss anything. A real collectors item. I paid $13.97 for the hardcover. I will treasure it a lifetime. Get yours HERE. Whatever you have in store for the weekend, I hope you enjoy it. Everything's a little in the air for me right now, but once it's all said I done, I'll tell you the good parts, deal? If you're celebrating the long holiday weekend in the States, take the extra day for you, why don't you?
Uhhh ummmm, Captain John, this could be lot's of fun, you know that one spot under the Magnolia trees on Back Bay?

To Leave You With A Laugh: My token male reader, Blog O Cheese, had me rolling laughing with this one. A man's look at baby/wedding showers. Click HERE to tighten your abs a bit....I love the comments he leaves me, they always make me laugh, and I never know what to expect from him. We can love a guy like that can't we Ladies?
One last thing to share with you. My SATC 2 Fashion book came in the mail yesterday.
Get your butts to Amazon and order yourself one, Fashion Divas.
Every single outfit in the movie. Sarah Jessica Parker does some commentary where she tells you where some of the odd items came from. Beautiful fashion, that I can't wait to talk about. If you wanna know anything just shoot me an email, and I'll tell you everything. I'm going to give everybody a few days to see the movie, before I discuss anything. A real collectors item. I paid $13.97 for the hardcover. I will treasure it a lifetime. Get yours HERE. Whatever you have in store for the weekend, I hope you enjoy it. Everything's a little in the air for me right now, but once it's all said I done, I'll tell you the good parts, deal? If you're celebrating the long holiday weekend in the States, take the extra day for you, why don't you?
Have a good one!
The Bumpkin
This is such a great post! So many things I want to say. I love the Memorial Day tributes. It is heartwarming to see these pictures. I also love Poppies and Sunshine. Doesn't she do a lovely job? Lastly, That boat turned tent is fabulous. How creative.
Once again, great post! You have a great talent for blogging.
Have a fabulous 3 days!
You are the sweetest, Bumpkin! Thank you for the mention. I feel extremely honored for the support.
Thank you for sharing the pictures in honor of Memorial Day too...very touching!
You are a doll!
♥ Shawna
Hi, I have been lurking and decided to come out of the woodwork and post a comment. :P This was such a great post! I too have been getting teary eyed at PW's photo topic this week. Also, I LOVE that "we do not remember days... we remember moments" photo on your post, SO true and such a gorgeous photo. :)
Happy long weekend!
love those pix too on PW's site. I've been crying too :(
Have a fab weekend!
I just cried my way through this whole blog. Those pictures are so moving!
I love all your Friday faves. Now I'm over to check out your Cheesy Manfriend for a laugh. :)
I'm blushing (again)! Thank you so much for mentioning the Pear & Walnut muffins as a Friday fav! You're so sweet - just like the muffins ;) I'm a wee bit envious of your pear tree... if I lived any closer you may notice a few missing ;)
Love PW posts, too. Lovely pictures.
AND, those Badgley Mischka shoes... oh my, don't even get me started! I saw SATC2 last night and I'm on a fashion frenzy!
I live in Canada so no long weekend for us... but have yourself a lovely, long, relaxing and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend!
Delightful Bitefuls
Those Memorial Day pictures rock. Love the one of the huge hug.
Aww, great post, Bumpkin! Love it! I love Poppies and Sunshine, she is fabulous! Oh, and of course I got choked up at the Memorial Day photos, of course I did. XO!
you've got to check out these videos of doggies greeting their owners returning home... amazing!!
Great post. Totally reminds us all that this holiday is so much more than just a long weekend away from school or work. =)
Love this post... I nearly cried, too! How can you not? So much emotion, and true feeling... thanks so much for sharing all of these. You pour so much into your blog — it's both refreshing and warm. So glad to have found a new friend in you...
On a happy note, that book sounds amazing – I will have to go and check it out. Hope you have the most wonderful long weekend :)
Yet another fabulous post darling friend! Those PW images are amazing, I too have been crying my way through them today as I catch up on reading. Love hearing the story about you and your Daddy, I have no doubt that you were the absolute love of his life!!
I love Shawna too, she rocks, and is giving me a run for my money on Pink and Green Thursdays! Seriously she finds some of the prettiest pictures, doesn't she? (Do you have a folder ready to steal images heehee!)
DJ's Red Alert shoot was awesome, as was so many she posted this week, I swear I could have spent an hour alone drooling over her pretties. I love the ones you picked, the hose shot is a riot, isn't it?
Pear Walnut muffins, YUM! I must check those out. Shoegasm? Check! Photogasm of those delicate flower buds, check check! Cheeseboy story - hilarious! I made sure to leave some comment love!
Happy weekend lovely lady, can't wait to catch up with you and John this weekend. Matt is lonely for his buddy! :) xoxo Love shoes!
I am going to have to head over to The Pioneer Woman to look at her series-- it's a topic near and dear to my heart as my husband and I have had 2 such reunions ourselves and witnessed many others for friends.
It is almost impossible to not get chocked up in person when you see the raw and real emotions on the faces of families and troops on the day they come home after a deployment-- and it's the kids who get you the most!
I still vividly remember the day my husband returned from his first deployment; they had their traditional welcome home ceremony where the soldiers unloaded off transport buses and marched onto a parade field in formation where they stood while their "colors" (the unit flags that had gone to Iraq with them) were retired. Those moment were the first glimpse families had had of their soldiers in months, and while the ceremony was quick, maybe 2 minutes, it felt like an eternity to know they were so close, but you hadn't embraced them yet. Halfway through the very short ceremony, a little boy maybe about three or four years old couldn't hold back and wait for his dad any longer. He took off running across the field for his dad who was standing in the first row. That the little boy recognized him at that distance and when his dad stood in a sea of uniforms seemed a bit amazing, and the little boy just wrapped himself around his dad's legs and wouldn't let go. It was the sweetest thing to witness and I think had a lot of people wiping their eyes-- it still makes me tear up thinking about it!
Also, for the age you were when your dad returned from Vietnam, I don't think your reaction was all too uncommon, but it must have been a heartbreaker for your parents (especially your dad!) just the same. And it makes it all that much sweeter that you ended up being a daddy's girl!
Sorry for the ridiculously long comment, but it was a post that hit close to home! :) Have a Happy Memorial Day weekend!
Oh those Memorial Day photo's are just so heartmelting..wow.
Thank you for the beautiful mention, those shots had me laughing, love them.
The shoe is gorgeous and so is that little summer dress.
I will check your links, thanks honey.
I'm so happy you got your book, it will be so interesting to read through.
big hugs DJ
I love your Friday posts Lisa ~ they are right up there with Simone's and I am a true blue Friday Fabulousness girl! I absolutely love the pictures of the soldiers coming home but my favorite it of the shoe...ahh the shoe ~ that Tumblr shot is pure love. Hope you have a wonderful Memorial day week-end in spite of what is going on around you. xo
you really know how to get me going... i'm a sucker for anything patriotic and this is making me so psyched to get back to the good ole u.s. of a. on tuesday! i'm looking forward to checking out the blogs you mentioned :) have a great weekend!
I cry every time I see any homecoming photo. I have many friends in Iraq for their 2nd or 3rd times and I think of them and every other service person. I also live in a heavy military community..although most are here for education, so there are not many families with moms or dads gone. Poignant moments.
The rest of the post....happy lovely little finds! Pear Walnut muffins yum...I really must see SATC
Beautiful photos for Memorial Day and that dress is gorgeous, I agree! I also love the ocean pictures and the tent/boat is so imaginative. Love it.
Such touching photos and perfect for Memorial Day weekend... and those shoes?!?! PERFECT for any day in my book! XO
Great post!!!! Those first pictures are just amazing! I don't think I can visit PW's site because I don't want to cry my eyes out!
Hope you had a wonderful memorial day weekend!!
Meg xoxo
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