I have to tell you something, I don't want to, but this is honesty. Porpoises and Dolphins are washing ashore. It really, really, really, breaks my heart to tell you this. There is something so mystic about these animals to me, to watch them in the everyday routines, reminds you of what it's like to really live. They have personalities, and they almost trust Our Captain. I don't wanna see pictures. There had better not be pictures rolled up in the driveway in the tell-tell plastic wrapper first thing tomorrow morning.
So sorry to hear this for The Shopaholic In Alabama and the wildlife in the Dauphin Island, Alabama area.
So sorry to hear this for The Shopaholic In Alabama and the wildlife in the Dauphin Island, Alabama area.
From The Sun Herald:
ON THE GULF OF MEXICO — A Coast Guard official says tar balls that are believed to be from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill are washing up on Dauphin Island.
Coast Guard chief warrant officer Adam Wine said about a half-dozen tar balls had been collected by this afternoon on the island. He said the substance needs to be tested, but officials think it came from the oil spill.
The Alabama barrier island is at the mouth of Mobile Bay and about three miles from the coast.
ON THE GULF OF MEXICO — A Coast Guard official says tar balls that are believed to be from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill are washing up on Dauphin Island.
Coast Guard chief warrant officer Adam Wine said about a half-dozen tar balls had been collected by this afternoon on the island. He said the substance needs to be tested, but officials think it came from the oil spill.
The Alabama barrier island is at the mouth of Mobile Bay and about three miles from the coast.
Do you hear how they say these things, the substance needs to be tested, where the heck do you think it came from?
Cofferdam fails, BP looking for solutions
The cofferdam BP had hoped would cap the leaking well in the Gulf now sits beside the flow of oil as experts scramble to find a way to stop ice crystals from forming inside the 125-ton box.
BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles said today the cofferdam was removed from the leak and placed 600 feet away from the leak source “in a safe location while we evaluate options,” Suttles said.
The hydrates, which make the cofferdam buoyant, resemble slush and in large quantities also prevents oil from being funneled through the dome to the surface, Suttles said.
He said experts will be looking at solutions over the next few days, while surface skimming, dispersant use and in situ burns continue. Did they say it's still blowing like Old Faithful? I didn't read that here? Why can someone not stop this?
BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles said today the cofferdam was removed from the leak and placed 600 feet away from the leak source “in a safe location while we evaluate options,” Suttles said.
The hydrates, which make the cofferdam buoyant, resemble slush and in large quantities also prevents oil from being funneled through the dome to the surface, Suttles said.
He said experts will be looking at solutions over the next few days, while surface skimming, dispersant use and in situ burns continue. Did they say it's still blowing like Old Faithful? I didn't read that here? Why can someone not stop this?

The following update is from Dan Howells, Campaigner for Greenpeace US, currently in Louisiana…Yesterday, Friday May 7, we met a few media crews in Biloxi Mississippi. We got on a boat with one of the crews and headed out into the waters of the Gulf. Rumor has it, and there are lots of rumors, this disaster of a spill is moving but the million dollar question is where is it moving and where/when will it hit the coast. They may be closing another area to fishing to the West of the mouth of the Mississippi so the oil must be going there? Pods of journalists are spread out along the shores looking for the picture they want. One journalist commented the lack of visible oil is good for the environment not good for pictures.
We did see oil (likely mixed with dispersant) quite a ways out from the port. According to maps we were at the edge of the "Zone of Uncertainty" to whether or not the oil would be going there. The lack of pictures of oil slicks coming ashore is missing the point and the spin from BP is good. "Dispersant," besides being toxic in and of it self and more so when it combines with the oil, is giving folks the impression the oil is dispersing and everything will be OK. They're not seeing the oil so maybe there's not a problem.
Problem is we've got estimates of over 200,000 gallons of oil per day sitting in the Gulf, dispersed or not. The oil is toxic, everyone agrees with that. The dispersant is toxic everyone agrees with that. Whether in long (un)impressive streaks across the surface or sinking to the bottom it's all toxic. And just because much of it is currently escaping the human eye does not mean it isn't there. One way or another the fish will eat it and the birds will eat them likely killing both.
Clean up measures continue. We're yet to see how this huge structure might work that BP is lowering over one of the two remaining spills still spewing oil into the Gulf. Everyone hopes it will work and that BP can do whatever it takes to stop the oil. We now know that it didn't work. Still the fact remains that even though we can't see all of what's happening out there, it is still happening out there. Rick Steiner has said many times over our time here that in the best case scenario with even the best efforts likely 90% of the oil still escapes, and he notes that 21 years after the Exxon Valdez Alaskans are still recovering from that spill.
Greenpeace is going to see what we can do to find out what BP doesn't seem to want us to know about the rest of the oil. Again we hope the measures BP takes to stop the spewing oil works. But the disaster has already taken place. The oil is already in the gulf. Economic and environmental damage has been done. Lives have been lost. The so called "Zone of Uncertainty" certainly can't escape the reality of the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
We did see oil (likely mixed with dispersant) quite a ways out from the port. According to maps we were at the edge of the "Zone of Uncertainty" to whether or not the oil would be going there. The lack of pictures of oil slicks coming ashore is missing the point and the spin from BP is good. "Dispersant," besides being toxic in and of it self and more so when it combines with the oil, is giving folks the impression the oil is dispersing and everything will be OK. They're not seeing the oil so maybe there's not a problem.
Problem is we've got estimates of over 200,000 gallons of oil per day sitting in the Gulf, dispersed or not. The oil is toxic, everyone agrees with that. The dispersant is toxic everyone agrees with that. Whether in long (un)impressive streaks across the surface or sinking to the bottom it's all toxic. And just because much of it is currently escaping the human eye does not mean it isn't there. One way or another the fish will eat it and the birds will eat them likely killing both.
Clean up measures continue. We're yet to see how this huge structure might work that BP is lowering over one of the two remaining spills still spewing oil into the Gulf. Everyone hopes it will work and that BP can do whatever it takes to stop the oil. We now know that it didn't work. Still the fact remains that even though we can't see all of what's happening out there, it is still happening out there. Rick Steiner has said many times over our time here that in the best case scenario with even the best efforts likely 90% of the oil still escapes, and he notes that 21 years after the Exxon Valdez Alaskans are still recovering from that spill.
Greenpeace is going to see what we can do to find out what BP doesn't seem to want us to know about the rest of the oil. Again we hope the measures BP takes to stop the spewing oil works. But the disaster has already taken place. The oil is already in the gulf. Economic and environmental damage has been done. Lives have been lost. The so called "Zone of Uncertainty" certainly can't escape the reality of the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
Greenpeace is labeled as a radical, but I am amazed it's the radicals that are telling the truth. Is that part of the mainpulation, do they say truth speakers are radicals to discount them to whatever portion of popularity that bites that hook, in an effort to continue to hide the truth? Do they?
Captain John will be here in the morning, with his update, and boy does he have some very valid points.
Here's how his day went.
Ring, Ring
BP Disaster Response: How can we help you?
Our Captain: This is Captain John, over here in Biloxi, Mississippi, when are you guys gonna do something to help these animals?
And then you know as well as I do, some college student in California pulling a weekend shift at a call center stood up in the middle of that same call center and frantically waved the sign saying Supervisor Needed.
Amazing...more to come.....will tell you just what they said, and who else we talked to
Love you all,
Swim, Swim, Swim
Fly, Fly, Fly
The Bumpkin
Bumpkin- I am soooo sad to hear this! I'm sorry that it's not getting any better! I'm prayin for y'all down there! Hold tight sweetie! ~Andrea
This is so sad :(
Heartbreaking...that's it!
love DJ
Lisa, I'm so sad about this. Actually I'm sick over it....but now I'm getting VERY MAD. I'm heading home to Gulf Shores tomorrow evening and am going straight to the beach to see if anything is happening. Will report.
At my parents home on Dauphin Island, dolphins come and swim all the way near the pier. We feed the ducks. Brown pelicans hang out. I can't believe they're all being exposed to this. :-(
Hang in there - we will get through this. We might need to do what most strong Southern women do in a crisis - go out drinkin'. XOXO
that's awful. i went shark cage diving awhile ago and am pretty upset with myself for doing so. if you're interested, i'll be posting about it next week.
So sad to hear of this tragic situation! In Canadian, we are getting very minimal information as to how dire the situation is, thanks to you (and me forwarding your blog posts to friends) we are being kept truthfully updated.
wow....that is just horrific!
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