Mornin' Ya'll, Thank God it's not a foreign country invading our shores. We have found ourselves defenseless.
Criminal prosecution for willful negligence, must proceed in order to eliminate the liability cap of 75 million. The investigative bodies who will determine whether or not willful misconduct was performed, ironically are the same organizations who have as much to hide as BP. We the people must hold our government responsible for their actions in this catastrophe.
Remember now, they sunk 90% of this problem.
It sucks waking up every morning, to a nightmare come true. Usually we can prepare, for the reconstruction or rebuilding literally or economically, but in this man made storm, it will take years to learn the full effect of the damage. I feel like BP, and the US Coast Guard have been hiding the facts from us all, and treating us like cattle, and leading us with the media.
And Tuesday, starts hurricane season, one they say could be a tough one. Can this spill become flammable on the shore line? Could you imagine the insurance companies fighting over the added liability of oil, wind, or water?
Why is there such a lack of coverage on animal deaths? Again, where are the toxicology reports on the hundreds of turtles, and nearly 80 dolphin deaths, that have been reported. BP's contracted rescue group Tri-State from Delaware, has been ordered by BP to remove information about animal fatalities from their website. Last week they were listed online.
The unseen environmental catastrophe below the surface, is unmeasurable.
We need to prepare for and expect the worst with this oil spill, based on the misrepresentation of the facts of this catastrophe. It's hard for me to believe the success of a relief well, is as hopeful as they make it appear. This relief well is expected to hit a 7" pipe, 3 miles under the surface. What if they miss? What are the chances of hitting it? We can't stop the leak, but we can hit 7",
3 miles down? The only thing we have to look forward to, is that it will be leaking tomorrow just as bad as it was today? Surely I'm not the only one who notices a tremendous increase in flow since the failed Top Kill attempt.
BP has purposely mislead the amount of oil escaping, because a 1920 Jones Act and the 1990 OPA, Oil Pollution Act, has their liability based upon how many barrels per day are leaking. Think they are telling the truth about those numbers?
This man made catastrophe has cost thousands of Americans jobs. I can only feel, the boycotting of BP stores in the United States would be another man made catastrophe that costs thousands of jobs. We must remember the 11,000 independently owned franchises also employ fellow Americans who rely on your business. Things are bad enough, less not shoot ourselves in the foot. I'm not saying go out of your way to a BP, but if it's convenient will you stop at one next time? If you wanna boycott somebody boycott MMS, and the US Coast Guard, we paid them to lie to us.
I believe we have suffered 1/3 of the oil we are going to suffer, based on the dismal projections acquired by BP spokesman. The scariest term that has been used recently should horrify
us all, " Black Tide."
us all, " Black Tide."
On a personal note, my vessel has been activitated by BP for 30 days, I have attained all required training, and BP has called me twice in the last 5 days, to deactivate my vessel, so that other people have the opportunity to not work also. After US Coast Guard vessel inspection, spending hundreds of dollars, to bring my vessel up to my own safety standards in this spill, my First Responder services have been rejected by BP twice this week. How could this be, when you travel to the islands, and you are the only boat in site?
Citizens action committees along the Coast have been formed by our local municipalities. They have no supplies. No absorbent materials, no booms, no real plan. Common sense and hard work are going to solve this issue. We're gonna get dirty, our boats are gonna get dirty, we might even get a little sick, we owe it to our kids. Once again, I'm gonna say it. "Lead, follow, or get the hell outta the way!"
Being jobless gives you plenty of opportunity to prepare. Looks like I got about 20 years to prepare. I'm think I'm gonna buy a tamale wagon, and modify my profession.
Today let's remember the ones who didn't come home.
Support Our Troops, even The Navy.
Semper Fi,
Captain John
Always USMC