Well, not exactly, but he did say I could grow my own roses. While the rest of you got a dozen red roses, this is the Bumpkin's Valentine Day present. One custom built greenhouse, complete with custom slated workbench (slated so you can just push the dirt through to ground, and then wash away when potting). Being how it's gonna be a while on the bailout of our economy, and we are now counting the change that Obama promised us (maybe that isn't exactly what he meant), we decided to start growing our own produce, and flowers. The Bumpkin usually spends more than your Macy's/Gap/J Crew budgets each year on flowers for the yard. My John, a master carpenter, just whipped out his magic wand, and Voila! The Bumpkin has a Valentine's Greenhouse. I should give him a little more credit, he actually built this in three days of rain, what a sweetie.
Over the coming spring months I will be sharing the fruits of our labor with you, in pictures. Nothing makes the Bumpkin smile more than a new bloom.
I was a little jealous, when I heard of your fancy dinners, and new pearls. But bottom line, I've gotten all of those things from My John, and it's the little things that really matter. This year was very low key for us. He didn't even get a Hallmark. I know I should have, but it's just not a great year for us. But don't worry, he got his sweet on, my favorite neighbor Jo, baked a sinful sweet cream cheese cake, and we had a lovely dinner on The Back Porch. Truth be told he would rather have Jo cake than a Hallmark any day. Hope the rest of you had a great Valentine's Day. Speaking of great Jo cakes, watch for the upcoming recipe from her for her Damn That's a Great Cherry Cake. This woman can bake, and I am forcing her to measure, and write down the recipes!
The Bumpkin
Aww...that was sweet of him to build! I wish I had the time to do the same...but I dont. Cant wait to see some pictures in the spring!
I think your present rocks...It's always nice when they get you something you really really want..He's a keeper.
You've got a real keeper! How sweet of him to build the greenhouse...you'll enjoy it oodles and bunches!!
From one southern girl to another..I have just given you a Blog award...go to my blog and check out what you need to do. Have a great day.....
That is a fabulous Valentine's gift! In honor of our new president, the present economy, and general good nutrition, we are also putting in a huge garden this year. I'm looking forward to the cake recipe.
I've been wishing for just such a "gift". Congrats and enjoy your new greenhouse!
Thats an awesome present! Now all your friends will be coming to you for plants!
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