The Bumpkin did the unthinkable last year. I remodeled two rooms in my home, and turned them into a large office where these words are written, and we run his and her businesses. So in all the construction my organization was reduced to...
Stuff these receipts here, "file" this in a Wal-mart bag, or this odd envelope, and put these invoices there, and mix everything for two businesses together, and just stuff in boxes to sort later.
Bad mistake, I will repeat, BAD MISTAKE because later resulted in a few overnights of sorting receipts till 1am and running to the tax man at the last minute.
Not usually The Bumpkin's style, but my office stayed packed in boxes till at least early March of this year. I just never got around to it. I should have got around to it, at least a little earlier.
Hope this is a good year for your taxes. We made much less money, and Obama was gracious with a few extra throwbacks, so all is well in the end. In the process I did manage to organize everything for the beginning of this year, as well. You bet I'm gonna stay on top of this in 2009.
PS You remember that The Bumpkin, is an ummmmmmmm Bookkeeper for a living right? Shame, I feel total shame!
The Bumpkin Procrastinator
You're tellin' me!! Thank goodness my mother is a saint and helped me take care of it all while I had clients demanding my constant attention!
ha! this is the first year that i have waited until the LAST minute to do my taxes...well, i have been working on them (my husband and i's!) for over a month...it is our first "married" tax return AND the first time we have ever owed in our life!!! wth?!? haha...i ended up having to take them to an accountant and we just finished them up this morning!! sheesh! i always look forward to taxes bc i always get money back..not anymore! glad we're (God willing) having babies soon! hahaha..have a wonderful day
oh man, that stinks. I used to love tax time when i got money back. well, NOT anymore. We had to pay in and it SUCKS!! waited til yesterday to do it. UGH!!
I'm an accountant and you do not want to see my home "filing system"! (and I filed an extension - bad girl!)
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