Monday, November 8, 2010

Remembering Lisa, Three Months

(Images via Stephanie Rausser)

Hi friends,
Hard to believe it, but it has been three months today since Lisa left us for heaven.  I've been thinking alot about her lately, and how much I miss her, and I know so many of you do as well.  She brought such light and joy to all she touched in our blogging community.  She loved her blog friends dearly, we were like family to her, ladies she could share her heart and spirit with (and of course her token male readers whom she loved as well!)

The lovely Gi Gi at Going Glam with Gi Gi published the most beautiful post last week here.  Breaking the Wordless Wednesday rules - she would love it!  Please take a moment and read it, it will make you smile.

We all miss her spunky spirit, her beautiful taste in fun and fashion, and most of all her kind words and comments.  I thought this might be fun...check your emails and come back in the comments section here, and leave your favorite Bumpkin comment.  You know you had more than one that had you in stitches with giggles, or made your heart smile on a day you needed it most!  

I think it would do us all good to read them and celebrate our dear friend.
What do you think - will you join us? :)

Hugs and love always,

P.S.  I think Lisa would entitle these photos, "Fly, Fly, Fly!"


Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

How can I possibly pick a favorite, but if I must, I love this one:

"I have played this song at least 100 times this morning,
Can't wait to play it jamming on a Sunday morning, with my arms wrapped around My Captain, first tears are flowing....He will love this coming from you..........
That day on The Natchez, this is the song!
You get me every time Trish, without fail!
He loves you both, me too!"

melifaif said...

Picking one is hard. She left such a lasting impression on me...I wish I had known her longer. And personally. But, I cannot hear "Glitter in the Air" by Pink without thinking of Bumpkin. She said loved that song because it reminded her of her grandma...she called her Sugah. Thanks for posting Trish. I love you.

Nicki said...

I'll never forget this comment in particular. It was in response to a post I wrote about my fears of something terrible happening to my boyfriend during deployment.

"Nicole, You will run to the TV, you will read the newspaper and hold your breath. But, you will be a part of the most wonderful group of brave women and men, and the pride that swells inside of you will bring comfort for what they stand for. You are stronger than you think, it's not as bad as you imagine, and you can go on regardless of the outcome. Some gave all, that's what our flag stands for. You'll understand this before you know it. It was wonderful to meet you, and I can't wait to get to know you better. The next time you see Zack, I want you to hug him extra harder, and longer for me. Please come and visit me again! By the way, lying on the floor of The Sistine Chapel will take your breath away, never take that off your bucket list. Pray for our wildlife effected by this mess, and my Captain's safety for me please. Lisa aka The Bumpkin"

Cool Gal said...

It's so hard to pick one! She left me so many witty and wonderful comments.

This in response to me venting about losing followers immediately following a giveaway:

"Come on now, this is going to happen, and it's the whole giveaway thing. This is why I quit doing them. I don't want someone to follow me because of some trinket I am giving away. I want them to follow me, because the like me and my blog. Now I may not comment every time, but I read your blog religiously and I know you are tougher that these catty Snots, yes we have them here in the blog world too. You tell em' The Bumpkin said to bite your sweet ass!"

Thanks, Trish. I love reading these comments from Lisa!

Great idea!

Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

I'm back with one more for response to a little break I took in May, this comment below. How fortunate I was to be able to be by her side in her last days. xoxo

"We will miss you, but yes sometimes life needs our attention, and I can say for sure, that if mine took a turn for the worse, I would want you by my side!
Love you, Hurry back!"

DSS said...

I am in TX sans laptop, but I know exactly the email I want to post...on Thurs when I get home. Thanks for this Trish! I was just thinking of Lisa today. Saw something that I know she would have loved!!

DSS said...

I am in TX sans laptop, but I know exactly the email I want to post...on Thurs when I get home. Thanks for this Trish! I was just thinking of Lisa today. Saw something that I know she would have loved!!

Splenderosa said...

This is so easy. She wrote a post called "Paula Deen, I Love You More Than Dumplings," which contained a recipe calling for
Krispy Kreme donuts. I commented,
"How dare you post anything containing 2 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts?"
Her answer:
Best comment on my blog in a long you!

I loved her too. We braved the BP spill with both of them. I miss her every single day and wonder why she had to leave so soon.

Lori said...

Sadly this was one of last comments she left me:

One of my favorite Wildflower Posts evah!
I love this, it's you, and that's what I love the most.
We were country when country wasn't cool.....
Love those two little cows, have me squealing like a little piglet.

Simone and I were talking about Lisa just the other day. I do miss her terribly ~ not just her posts but her comments and our notes. said...

This is beautifull, Trish. Thank you. I come back here once in a while, when I'm missing Lisa. Bumpkin, I miss you so much!

Here's my last comment from our girl. It was in response to my steamy description of a massage. The commenter before Lisa said that she needed a cigarette.

July 6, 2010 6:59 AM
Bumpkin on a Swing said...
Firing it up too! Damn it girl!
I'm looking up massage in the phonebook as we speak!

georgia ~ gi gi said...

Aw, Trishy Rose! I am so glad you did this post! This is an awesome love fest!
This comment was her first comment to me! I couldn't believe she wanted to follow my lil ol blog! I was just thrilled!
I also remember your first comment Trish, and you following me, just so tickled!
Love you Trishy Rose
Big Big Smoochies

Georgia I have fell in love with your blog, the images, the colors, the happy go lucky feel that I have as I tour through your archives. Only a month uh? I am surprised, you surely have a knack for this. Come and visit me at the swing won't you, you have a new follower.

May 7, 2010 5:41 PM

Bumpkin Babe I think of you often and
I love you!
gi gi

Marcie said...

This post makes me smile, yet cry. I can't believe it has been three months. Here is my favorite Bumpkin quote.

"Love the first photo...........Amazing!
Stopping by to cheer myself up, and you did it girl.
Every time it gets me a little down, I just visit my girls, and I'm all better!"

We miss you Lisa!

Unknown said...

We all miss her.

Poppies and Sunshine said...

This is so special. And I love gi gi's recent WW post!
Thanks for doing this Trish, it has made me revisit a lot of old posts and read a lot of old comments. These were the kind of comments that brightened my day:

"Poppies.........There is a picture here that speaks to my soul, I think this may be my favorite PNG Thursday Evah. You will see said picture again. Come play tumblr with us. You know how to find me there, same name different game!"

Paris Pastry said...

Well, all of her comments were endearing and hilarious, but this one stuck with me:

"The Bumpkin was here, but she fell over and died when she saw the first image. She vaguely remembers the other nautical fashion, as she was fading out, and asked that I leave you a comment saying. A Chanel purse perfect for A Captain's Lady. Those B*tches At The Yacht Club would roll over and die!. She also mention a 2nd Mortgage our her lovely home to pay for said purse. She sends her love!"

Still makes me giggle! You're missed Lisa.

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh this is such a nice idea Trishy, I got lost for ages reading her comments and emails again....

This was part of one of her emails, it shows just how thoughtful she was...

"Have a great weekend, my Australia clock says 64 degrees in New South Wales today. Did you know I keep up with what time of day it is for all my Diva's? Sounds like perfect weather, we are melting here at a whopping 95 today. Lots of airy sundresses in my weekend. Sending you big hugs and kisses".

USCEmily said...

I don't have an exact comment, but Lisa was always so sweet to comment and inquire about my chocolate lab, Abe. I could always tell she really cared. She's greatly missed.

mrs.mfc said...

I'm going to pull a few little snipets that I love:

"Life Happens, and aren't we glad!"

"Well honey in that case the dishes can wait!"

"Ladies, we could've smoked a doobie on 04/20, but no you didn't want to play then, but now you wanna run out and hug a tree? Umph!"

Geisslein said...

She always writes the most most loveliest comments ever:

"Bumpkin on a Swing hat gesagt…
Me too! Me too!
Living on the coast, I am blessed to see the best of the best of outdoor entertaining areas, and our porches stand for who we are, and the people we love....
So important in a "home".
If only you could ride the swing one time, you would know so much more about me. The mandevillas, plumeria, hibiscus, and bottle brush trees are in full bloom. The potato vines are curled on the ground, the banana trees as green as an emerald, and the tomatoes or ripe for picking......Wish you were here!"

9. Juli 2010 16:16

Yes, I truly miss her beautiful words, her inspiring posts filled with so much love! She really was a one-of-a-kind-person, very special and with a big heart, I think! I wish I would have seen her once in this life to give her a hug for her kindness....And I often wonder how fast life goes on....

Pink Champagne said...

Such a fabulous idea, Trish! Her comments ALWAYS made me smile and usually made me giggle out loud, too. Here is one for the books:

"Stop it with the 'nautical flagged monogrammed': just stop it right now, or I'll be off to the altar in a spin!"

And just one more for good measure...

"Start speading the news, I'm leavin' today, I want to be a part of it, New York, New York. If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere....if you think this is bad you should here my voice. Give Chanel, Versace, Hermes, Marc, Christian, Manolo, and Carrie My love and bumpkin kisses."

Love and miss her lots!

Bama Girl said...

Oh wow, I have to admit I haven't felt the same about blogging since Lisa's early passing. Not as inspired, you all know...we go through "spells". Here is an email Lisa sent me back in June, when I was going through one of my uninspired spells, when the oil was hitting our shores, and I was upset about not getting Jimmy Buffett tickets.

"I just knew something was wrong. Im coming that way in two weeks, we are going to meet at Lulus....Come on now, we have to be resilient, we have to be the strong ones. We have to set the example of steel magnolias in the face of adversity. It's in our blood Lori, we have bounce back like no others.
Hold your head up.

I couldn't get Buffett tickets either. Pissed me off, out of all of us, about 25 couples One couple got two tickets. It does suck!
I love the Zac Brown Band.

It's gonna be okay, I'll let you be with the speech, but know I am here if you need me. ***-***-****
Love you!"

We never did get to meet at Lulu's. :-(

MCW said...

I think this is one of my favorite...Of course it is about dating :)

Bumpkin on a Swing
to me:

The Santa #1 needs the Bumpkin to slap him.
I like the idea of Marine Corps Sniper turned Boat Captain, oohhh wait, that one's taken, how about Country Farm Boy from Alabama stuck in New York City....I like that one!
I really don't like Matt either...
None of them.....
Don't ever date a Daryl or a Craig either.

I love you, keep trying he's out there. Maybe number 211 but he's out there! I promise! Just you wait till he gets here. He's gonna make everything better.

Anonymous said...

Buna ziua! este un proiect nou cu scop informativ. Ne-am propus să venim cu cele mai noi ştiri din muzică, recenzii de albume, concerte şi, de ce nu, filme, interviuri cu artişti români şi străini. Sustine proiectul si alătură-te echipei noastre! ONmusique caută sa-si lărgească echipa formată din oameni cu experienţă, ambiţioşi, talentaţi şi dornici de muncă; asadar, daca doresti sa te alaturi, trimite un e-mail la ONmusique...Pentru ca muzica apartine tuturor Felicitări pentru blog!Multumesc pentru timpul acordat! Cu Stimă Dan!

Charlotta Ward said...

I know how you feel Trish. I too have had a real re-lapse in grieving and missing my dear friend Marija, who passed away on the 10 July.. It is so hard to come to terms with the loss.

What you are doing here is beautiful and this post is lovely. The pictures are gorgeous.

Thank you.

xx Charlotta

Mrs. Potts said...

This was sent to me for a comment I left her about the Paula Deen Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding.

God, I miss her.

You're hilarious, love that about you!
Schedule a dentist appointment for the next day!
Can also be made with powdered sugar donuts as well!
I would bake up a storm if you really were coming, if nothing else, you'd go home with tight britches dahlin'!

Anonymous said...

I truly miss Lisa. She was a doll. I admired her eye for beauty in the both the unusual and the everyday things. I looked forward to reading her posts as much as I enjoyed her comments on my blog.

I'm very sad that I didn't get to know her anywhere other than online, though I know we both shared a love of the Gulf Coast.
I admired her dedication to region. She left this comment on my blog shortly after I lamented the BP incident.

"Thank You for your sweet comment.
The headlines this morning were 25 dead turtles, No indication oil was the cause of their death.
Sure, what a coincendence.
It frustrates us that they really think they fool you with these antics.
Many, many, dolphins yesterday and this morning, have moved closed to the shore. More than we have ever seen in our area. Winds from the North now, is also good news. We can hold on to swim, swim, swim fly, fly, as hope. Seems they are dodging it a bit.
Such a shame the Kemp Ridley turtles, but we had expected a larger number, so we remain positive.

Chandeleur Islands and Refuge is completely covered in oil, breaks my heart some of the best fishing in the world out there. Our little secret that we hid for so long from only the smartest of the casters.

This is a beautiful post. It inspired me. Drinking bushwackers at FloraBama in our bathing suits, is what we all she be doing right now. Cheers To Ya!"

While I don't want to flatter myself that I truly inspired Lisa, I know she was honest and true, so I will accept that comment and be honored that something I wrote inspired her.

Swim, swim, swim. Fly, fly, fly, Bumpkin. We all love and miss you so much! It comforts us that blog is here to remind us of your beauty and wonder.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I was at my wit's end with the dude's toddler 'tude and she left me this...."A two day tantrum Kristin, too funny, and honey have I been there. Stand your ground." She knew just what to say when I needed it!

Charlotta Ward said...

For some reason you and Lisa have been on my mind so much since last week.
I had to come here and check in.
Also realized I had not clicked the 'follow' button before so I did that now. I want to make a clear mark of my genuine support.

I miss my friend Marija so much right now, and know that her passing left a gigantic hole in the blogging world - just as your Lisa.

Anyway. I hope the Captain is ok and that life is peaceful.

xx C

A Casa da Vá said...

Oh I miss her so much...

Hugs & kisses from Rio!