Wednesday, September 8, 2010

One Month.

Dearest Friends of our Bumpkin on a Swing,

Today it has been one month since Lisa left us for heaven. 

I know we all miss her terribly, and feel a huge sense of void in our lives and in our hearts.  The outpouring of love and tributes that you all posted were such a beautiful testimony to the precious and kind soul that Lisa was and always will be.  Captain John absolutely loved and appreciated the words, pictures, thoughts, quotes, and stories of Lisa that so many of you shared.

Lisa held such a special place in my heart.  Not a day goes by that I don't miss picking up the phone to call her, to girl talk about anything and everything, or to tell her about something I saw that reminded me of her that day....a fabulous pair of shoes, a beautiful sunset, a special ladybug that crossed my path or a field of "wish and blow" flowers...she especially loved those.  The song playing today, "Free" by Zac Brown Band...this is the song that Lisa and John were going to have as their first dance as a married couple.  I get chills every time I hear it. 

My heart and prayers continue to go out to her beloved Captain John and her family and friends, especially her beautiful nieces and her "Back Porch Crew."  If you're still reading this, I am eternally grateful that I got to be physically there with Lisa in her last days, to see that sweet twinkle in her eyes and hold her hands.  I am happy I could have been there to hug, cry, and remember all that made her so wonderful with each of you during the days after she passed away.  Thank you for making me feel at home among her relatives and "chosen" family, as she referred to her closest friends.

We know Lisa left us all too soon, to a horrible disease that I pray we will find a cure for.   Her dear friend Lori from Wildflowers published a wonderful post last week.  After reading it and speaking with Lori, I thought today, on the one month anniversary of her passing, it was all too fitting to re-post it here.

 "Color Me Teal" by Lori, Wildflowers

September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month,
and the color that represents Ovarian Cancer is Teal.

Ovarian Cancer, known as the "Silent Killer," is the leading cause of death from gynecologic cancers in the United States and is the fifth leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women. The American Cancer Society estimates that 21,880 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the U.S. in 2010 and about 13,850 women will die from the disease. It is an insidious disease that can strike without warning or cause.

The symptoms of ovarian cancer are often vague and subtle, making it difficult to diagnose. There is no effective screening test for ovarian cancer but there are tests which can detect ovarian cancer when patients are at high risk or have early symptoms.  Until we have better early detection tools, all women should be educated about the disease so they can achieve early diagnosis and successful treatment. A woman’s lifetime risk of ovarian cancer is 1 in 67. Listen to your body. Do not ignore symptoms.

The Ovarian Cancer National Alliance, the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC), the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund (OCRF) and the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation (GCF) teamed up to spread awareness of the four symptoms of ovarian cancer, and the flyer can be seen here.

Here comes the fun part, and how you can help!  Lori alerted me to the organization, "Teal Toes," which promotes awareness to the symptoms of ovarian cancer.

From the press release:

"Women - and men! - are painting their toenails teal during September. Why? To raise awareness of Ovarian Cancer in order to save lives. Teal Toes encourages people to paint their toenails teal, the color of Ovarian Cancer Awareness, during September, Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.

"Painting toenails teal, the Ovarian Cancer color, starts the conversation about the signs of this whispering killer," said Carey Fitzmaurice, founder of Teal Toes and a four year survivor of Ovarian Cancer. "The conversation can save lives. Women diagnosed at an early stage have a much higher five-year survival rate than those diagnosed at a later stage. Fewer than 20 percent of Ovarian Cancer patients are diagnosed early."

We know how Lisa was so passionate about causes near and dear to her heart, and I think that she would just love this one.  Lori got the party started by getting her toes painted teal over the weekend, and I went for my teal pedicure yesterday afternoon, and dedicated my Wordless Wednesday to all things teal today. 

Join us, won't you? 
Become a fan of "Teal Toes" on Facebook, where you can post a picture of your own teal toes as a tribute to Lisa, and help spread the word!

Special kindness to Lori for the beautiful inspiration for this post,
and love to all of Lisa's family and friends;
she is truly forever in our hearts.

We love you and miss you angel,

"Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven,
where the love of our lost ones shines down to let us know they are with us."

My toes are teal in support of National Ovarian Cancer Awareness!


melifaif said...

What a beautiful TEAL tribute. Count me in!!!! I am soooooo TEAL this month. I'll be rockin'it for our Bumpkin. Love to all....

Andie said...

Wow! I actually got a pedicure on Friday and instinctively picked a teal color.

This is a great movement! I will blog about it tomorrow!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

My toes and the sweet little crumb's toes are TEAL and terrific just for LISA!

Splenderosa said...

I think this idea just rocks! Going tomorrow! Semper Fi, babies...

debra@dustjacket said...

What a beautiful post to our gorgeous Lisa.

Off to get the Teal, love you Lisa.
xoxoxo DJ

Lori said...

Oh Trishy ~ what a wonderful, wonderful post. I have shivers and I know how much Lisa would have loved this. xo Love you girl!

Morgan said...

I still think of Lisa often and wish nothing but healing and the best for her family. And teal toes?! OF COURSE!

Salt said...

I have a bottle of teal nailpolish in my medicine cabinet. Tomorrow I will be giving myself a home pedi!


nomo wino daph said...

Beautiful Tribute Trishy! XOXO

I will get mini-me and myself the prettiest teal that OPI makes tomorrow:)

Marcie said...

Breaks my heart, still. But her memory really does live on and the tears running down my face from this post also include ones of joy for how she touched my life and created a new awarness.

M said...

I am crying lots right now, and I thank you - Trish - for this wonderful post. Teal toe nails would definitely make Lisa gleeful.
Lots of love,

this free bird said...

This is perfect Trish. Thanks so much for sharing. Teal it is!


stylebyrachael said...

I am going to get teal nail polish today!

Summer Athena said...

i am in love with teal toes! gonna post about this tomorrow.

bumpkin, we adore you.

(found) vintage 101 said...

I follow your blog regularly, what a beautiful post today for your friend. I will blog about this today, with a link back to your log so everyone can benefit from the statistics on ovarian cancer. By the way i had my teal pedicure this morning and posted it on my blog. Here's to spreading the word...xoxo Rhonda

Jen said...

I miss her more than I can ever say. It will never be the same. Never ever. :-(

Geisslein said...

you´ve made me crying...but thank you for this wonderful post - full of love love love, a beautiful post for a beautiful girl! Ey - she is sitting on her cloud and smiles a lot, be sure!

Unknown said...

It is so sad that very special persons pass away too soon, cancer sucks. Everytime I visit her blog now that she's gone I feel like a complete idiot because I don't seem to find the right words :-/

I hope she is sitting on a cloud and watching her loved ones from above everyday.

Anonymous said...

Count me in too! I'll post my photo as soon as it's done.

Gorgeous Glam said...

Count me in! I'm painting mine tonight:) hugs hugs hugs

Anonymous said...

so beautiful! I will buy teal polish and paint them tomorrow!

georgia ~ gi gi said...

There will be more Teal from me :)
Miss Myah and I painted our piggies today! I have something I am planning, I am really excited about! Fingers crossed :)
Smoochies Trishy Rose and Bumpkin Babe!
Love you
gi gi

Pink Champagne said...

What a lovely tribute to Lisa and a wonderful cause! Now to find the perfect shade of teal...

Anonymous said...

We are eternally grateful for YOU.. for being here for us. You are an amazing person. I love having Lisa's blog here to read when I get sad. Its truely a blessing that she became a part of your blogworld. Its something I will cherish forever.

Fab Five said...

IM so sorry to hear about this loss... Lisa sounds like a wonderful human being and I wish I could have known her! Stay strong!

Running Diva Mom said...

I just, but chance, have my toes painted teal right now -- fabulous! HUGS!

Screen Door Prep said...

I noticed a sticker for Teal Toes at my OB/GYN's office last week & just had to share how excited I was to see what a big influence it is having all over! I haven't had to change out my polish in about a week, but I've got my Sephora by OPI Teal We Meet Again all ready to go! =)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

My heart hurts for you lady...but I know that Lisa is awfully proud of the way you've honored her!

Angela said...

That was a beautiful tribute. I was brought to tears at the thought of losing someone I love so dear. Rest in peace, Lisa.

Toes are going to be painted teal tonight!

Marcie said...

Just thinking of you tonight, sweet bumpkin. We miss you so much.


Salt said...

Was just thinking of you today. You are sorely missed, wonderful friend.


Mrs. Potts said...

Dearest Lisa, I miss you. I was thinking of you today & came here to read back through your posts. I know you're smiling down on us, but I still wish you were here among us.

love you

Sierra said...

ironically i got my toe nails painted teal today, only to find out today that Lisa passed away. i find that ironic and very touching. what a beautiful soul she was, so glad that Trish you were able to be there for her before she passed. xoxo.